Valley School District Wellness Policy
Mission: Valley School District supports good nutrition, regular physical activity, and
overall wellness as part of the total learning environment for its students.
Purpose: To help Valley’s students establish lifelong healthy eating and exercise
patterns that will help each child reach his or her potentials.
A. Public Involvement
Valley’s wellness committee consists of a school board member, an
administrator, teachers, students, food service staff member and parents.
• Members meet quarterly to address Valley School’s needs and concerns
of school wellness and make the necessary changes to benefit its
students and staff.
B. Nutrition Guidelines
Valley School District will continue to support the USDA guidelines for all
meals, including the school breakfast program, which is free for all students.
This includes the free/reduced lunch program.
C. Nutrition Promotion
• The cafeteria and school hallways will have signage to promote healthy
• A list of nutrition standard foods will be available to parents for parties,
events or celebrations.
D. Nutrition Standards
• Salads are available for all middle and high school
students, as well as staff.
• Fruits and vegetables will be available during meal times for all students.
• Valley schools will work towards offering healthy smart snack compliant
snacks as rewards.
• Fundraising will be encouraged to follow these guidelines.
• There will be no non-smart snack compliant vending machines or nonsmart
snack compliant beverage vending machines on campus available
to students.
E. Nutrition Education
Valley School District will equip students with the knowledge and skills
necessary in making nutritious and enjoyable food choices to last a lifetime.
• All elementary students, grades K-5 receive health and nutrition education for
thirty minutes weekly. Health is provided for the secondary students during
8th and 10th grades each for one semester.
• Parents are encouraged to provide healthy treats for their child’s classroom
and a suggested list is sent home at the beginning of each school year.
F. Physical Activity
• Valley School District encourages physical activity for all students, Preschool-12 grades, and
• Participation in physical education classes is required for all students in Preschool-5th grades.
Third, fourth, and fifth grades receive 100 minutes. Kindergarten, first, and second receive
60 minutes and Preschool gets 30 minutes each week.
• Valley Middle School encourages the students to take one semester of Physical Education
each school year.
• Valley High School requires two semesters of Physical Education to graduate.
• Physical Education teachers strive to meet the Idaho Physical Education Standards.
G. Wellness Promotion
• An annual Wellness Night is held at the school for the students and their families.
• Valley Elementary School participates in a walking program in the fall and spring. All
students and teachers participate.
• Valley’s all-weather track is accessible all year for community members.
• The school nurse provides hands only CPR training for all 9th-11th graders and CPR
certification for 12th graders annually.
• The South Central Health District provides immunization clinics at the school including:
kindergarten immunizations and catch-up immunizations at kindergarten registration, 7th
grade immunizations and catch-up immunizations at the secondary registration, and a flu
vaccine clinic open to students, faculty, and the community each fall.
• The school nurse provides vision screening for elementary students yearly, and scoliosis
screening for 6th & 8th grade students yearly.
• Delta Dental provides dental sealants, fluoride treatment, and cavity screening for 1st, 2nd, 7th,
and 8th graders biannually.
• Handwashing and hygiene education is provided by the school nurse to all kindergarten
through 3rd graders yearly.
• An anti-bullying unit is taught to all 5th graders yearly.
• Puberty and hygiene education is provided for 5th and 6th graders annually.
• The school nurse, under South Central District Health guidance, offers free Covid antigen
testing for students and their families who request it.
(04/02/2019 Updated
(12/1/2021 Updated